Page name: Evil Undead Zoo! Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-19 01:51:36
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 5
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This, like its name implies, is where you put your evil character(s), enjoy!

The classes are Gunner, sword Fighter, Hand to hand fighter, Blade (Uses knives, throwing stars, and\or daggers),Reaper(uses scythes) and The Given (The ones who use the ability of their race.)

Format to use:
User Name:
Character Name:
Character history:
Character Description:
Character Items:

1.User Name: [Kbird]
Character Name: Loshya
Race: Vampire
Class: Blade
Character history: She was nine when her parents died leaving her to fend for herself, she was able to survive for seven more years but at sixteen she was bitten and luckily for her turned, but she was abandoned by the vampire that turned her. She has turned cold and kills anything that gets in her way besides children which she takes under her wing. She is now 115 years old.
Character Description: (See picture)
Character Items: A bracelet and two daggers.
Image: <img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1379915557.jpg>

User Name: [Kbird]
Character Name: Luki Landsing (I can't do it..I can't change his name, it shall go back to Luki but be pronounced like Loki)
Race: Vampire S
Class: The Given
Character history: , he has seen only the bad side of things and believes that's all there is. he put it in his own hands to be the angel of death. He will kill you without any hesitation because he believes it's the only way to put a end to the death and sadness that has taken over America.
Character Description: He will seem charming and kind. He is 29.
Character Items: His earring
Image: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1379729894.png>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Leila Hartley (Leigh-La)
Race: Vampire
Class: The Given
Character history: Leila's father often cheated on her mother because she often abused and mistreated him and was horribly wicked to everyone else. Leila's father finally had enough of her mother's wickedness, mistreatment, and abuse and fled from Leila's mother before she could tell him she was pregnant. After Leila was born her mother told her never to trust a man because they all will break her heart, Leila learned how to be wicked and spiteful from watching her mother. Leila's mother used to lock her up in a cell in the basement without food for several days when she did something her mother did not like or sometimes just because she could, which caused Leila to hate her mother. Leila was a horrible child, she would often lead other children into the basement so she could torture them or help her mother experiment on them. The day she was turned into a vampire she ran away from home because her mother wanted to experiment on her instead of other children, in he dead of nigh she returned to her home while her mother slept and murdered her in her sleep. Later she went looking for her father and after she found him she murdered him, even though she knew he had never known about her.
Character Description: She had light brown hair, blood red eyes, she is about 5'6" and she appears to be fifteen years old in age. She won't hesitate to kill you, especially if you're a man. She always wears a school uniform and acts innocent and sweet to fool her victims and lure them to their deaths.
Character Items: Her stud earrings with blood red rubies in them, and her gold necklace with a golden bat pendant that she keeps tucked in her shirt.
Image: <img500*0:stuff/aj/88645/1470448898.jpg><img:stuff/aj/88645/1470448919.jpg> (Leila's necklace)

User Name:[Kbird]
Character Name:yuki
Race:Vampire S
Class:Hand to Hand
Character history:His Father(Luki) was abusive and his mother died giving birth to him.He ran away when he was only 4.He is quit good at stealing sence he steals things to survive.People he meets either die or are unkind to him.He was involved in the Blood Game.
Character Description:He is eight.He has a deep bit taken from his left shoulder from when he was attacked by a Zombie.He is shy and looks like a girl he tends to be mean to people sence no one has been nice to him for a long time.He is alway barefoot
Character Items:Mr.Glare(A stuffed bear that his mother had bought before he was born)He often talks to Mr.Glare as if it was a person,ribbons that has in his hair,& a necklace that was his mothers.

User Name: [ancienteye]
Character Name: Fern
Race: Werewolf
Class: Gunner
Character history: Third generation werewolf and Jace’s half-sister. Fern is a very bitter and cold person and the cold and manipulative yin to Jace’s hot-headed and aggressive yang. She knows Jace from the Blood Games fiasco, during which she was one of the Blood Games organizers and announcers who decided what "prisoner" (captured human) would go up against what "beast" (half-crazed creature or deteriorated zombie). The main reason she became a gunner was because her trick knee makes close-combat fighting a difficult task for her and prevents running.
Character Description: See image (it is of her days in the Blood Games).
Character Items: A gun.
Image: <img:>

User Name: [ancienteye]
Character Name: Aspen
Race: Ghost
Class: Given
Character history: Bound to Nova as a spy/informant/messanger/errand girl. She's sometimes "loaned out" to Luki, Fern, or any other ally Nova has, for months at a time, but no matter what, always answers to Nova.
Image: <img300*0:stuff/aj/189486/1358898948.jpg>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Seth Delmar
Race: Vampire
Class: Hand to hand fighter
Character history: Seth's parents were both vampires, they were so happy the day he was born and showered him with love and kindness, but Seth found that to be very annoying. Seth learned how to fight hand to hand from his father and his uncle when he was five years old, by the time he was thirteen he could beat them both easily. Seth's parents lived in a cabin in the woods and would often leave him alone to go hunting with his uncle which he used as an opportunity to lure village children into the woods so he could find out how humans 'worked', when his parents and uncle found out what he was doing they became enraged and locked him in a cell in the basement as punishment. Later, Seth was able to get out of the cell and he brutally tortured his family before burning them all alive.
Character Description: Seth appears to be twenty-two years old, he take pleasure in torturing his victims for as long as possible even as they beg for death before finally killing them. He is very charming and handsome which makes him so dangerous and is how he lures his victims back to his lair.
Character Items: A black trench coat with gold trim.
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name: [ancienteye]
Character Name: Drake
Race: Human
Class: Healer
Character history: When the Blood Games was shut down, Drake found and healed Graham, a confidante of Fern's. Because of this, Fern let him stick around despite being a human. While he is a masochist and obsessed with scars and other bodily flaws, he is far from sadistic, going out of his way to ensure his patients are as comfortable as possible. Physically, at least. They usually think he's to creepy for comfort.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/189486/1360190099.jpg>

User Name: K
Character Name: Haniko
Race: Vampire S
Class: Sword
Character history: She grew up with Luki & Yuki. She, unlike Yuki followed Luki's training nearly perfectly, a year after Yuki left she decided she would track him down. She is still looking for him but is beginning to look into other things to do.
Character Description: She has her father's craziness, but she also has a bit of a temper... Though you wouldn't be able to tell until you have a sword in you.
Character Items: A necklace that belongs to Yuki and her mom and her sword which she keeps hidden.

User Name: [ancienteye]
Character Name: Rhett
Race: Vampire
Class: Blade
Character history: When Rhett was a teenager, he became very adept at using knives, but was always a little too cocky. He had a habit of picking fights—often ending them fatally—to prove his skill. One time, he barely killed his opponent and had his eye gouged out with his own knife. Half-blind, weakened from the fight, and not very well-liked, he would not have survived if a subordinate of Luki’s who watched the fight had not have shown up and offered him a job.
Character Items: An eye-patch and a combat knife.
Image: <img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361220027.jpg>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Malik (Mal-ick) Blackwing
Race: Vampire
Class: Hand to hand fighter/Sword fight, he is more skilled in hand to hand than with a sword, but he can be deadly with a sword.
Character history: Malik was very quiet and withdrawn as a child and was bullied constantly for being weird, but they usually left him alone after awhile... especially since he would sneak into their houses at night and cut out their tongues. He had a deep hatred for his father because he was always putting not only him but everyone around him down and swore one day he would kill him. Unaware of his son's hatred when Malik was eight he began to teach him how to fight hand to hand, he was also unaware that Malik was also learning how to fight with swords. When Malik was fourteen he tortured his father by breaking both of his arms and legs before cutting off his head and burning their house down. When he was 19 he met and fell in love with a twelve year old boy, he wanted him all to himself so he killed his parents and turned him into a vampire before erasing his memories. He was forced to leave him because the towns people found out what he did and chased him away.
Character Description: He's cocky and cruel, he loves to manipulate people and make them feel small and unimportant, he doesn't care who he hurts. He has dark purple hair, red eyes a tattoo on his neck that looks like his head was cut off and sewn back on, and pierced ears. He's twenty-five and is a smoker.
Character Items: The bracelets and rings he wears.
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name:K B
Character Name: unknown
Race: Ghost
Class: Given
Character history: He showed up at the facility a few months ago. When ever he shows himself something bad happens. When he speaks (Wich isn't often) he usally brings up painful momeries....He usally doesn't show himself to the higher ups. It is beleived that he changes the way he looks so his true form is unkown.
Character Description:
Character Items: none

User Name: >.> Kbird
Character Name:Celest
Class:Reaper/ given.(She is more skilled with her birth abilitys)
Character history:She was the youngest of seven children, due to this her parents struggled to take care of all the kids. So to help She decided to kill her brothers and sisters...and it wasn't at all pleasent. When her parents found out her mother tried to kill her think Celest was evil and was sent to kill anything good. Celest barely excaped, she has no regrets about killing most her family and decided that it was to fun to stop. She has been killing ever sence. Resently she has decided to turn her attention to taking out the government, mainly just to see the humans struggle and try to survive. Nova came acrossed her two years ago and they have been off-an-on allies sence.
Character Description:She is quite beautiful and often uses it to get her way. She has a deadly feel about her wich clashes with her refined feel.
Character Items:Her black hat, sycthe, and a small stone she carrys for good luck.

User Name:
Character Name:Graham!! XD
Class: Uhhh Given/ sluppy hand to hand(more like foot to face)
Character history:Him and his little brother where orphans ( wether not or not it was through their parents death is unknown.)he quickly learned to steal and was quite good at it.When he was seven he was kidnapped and seperated from his brother so they could be turned into a slaves. He worked for humans for two years before he maneged to kill them. He then went back to stealing and trying to gather information about his brother. When he was thirteen he became part of Celest's "Game". After excaping that he met Fern. 
Character Description:
Character Items:his cellar and some dogtags he's had for as long as he can rememeber.

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Sayomi (sah-yo-me)
Race: Half vampire half fire demon
Class: Given, she can conjure fireballs in her hand and can set things on fire with her mind, she also has the fast speed and strength of a vampire.
Character history: Sayomi's mother was a fire demon and managed to escape from hell and met and fell in love with a vampire, shortly after they got married and had Sayomi. Sayomi hated the other children, when she was bullied she would wait until nightfall and would tie them up in the middle of the woods, set them on fire, and would watch them burn. She would often burn her mother and father if they got too close to her because she hated to be touched, her parents just thought that she needed some therapy, but when they tried to get her help she set the therapist on fire and giggled as he screamed in pain. Shortly afterwards her parents, realizing she was evil, tried to kill her while she slept and stabbed her in the stomach, before they could finish her off she set her father on fire, punched her mother hard in the stomach to get her away before setting her on fire as well. Sayomi left her house as it burned to the ground, after traveling and bleeding for a mile she collapsed and a doctor treated her wound.
Character Description: Sayomi hates to be touched and will burn anyone who does so, she's a pyromaniac and loves to watch things burn. Sayomi has a 6 inch scar on her stomach from where her mother stabbed her.
Character Items: None
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name: K
Character Name: Laceille (La-cell-E)
Race: Blood Demon (he can control people using their blood but it takes alot out of him. He usually uses Zombies)
Class: Blade but will use Given if needed/ when cornered.
Character history: Laceille was the youngest child of a wealthy family, but he was the out come of His mother cheating and was a bastard child. Due to this is mothers disowned him so her husband would let him stay. He had to work as a servant and when ever his mother wasn't around he was abused. he would often hide in a passage be hind the fireplace which gave him a liking to fire. when he was twelve he waited until his mother was gone and stabbed her husband to death before burning the house down with people inside. Instead of going and living with his mother he decided to travel. He has became skilled with all types of knives because of his travels.
Character Description: He is quiet but is always smiling. He likes being alone or in quiet unless it's with Sayomi.
Character Items: Knives a butler suit and a hair tie.
Image: Human form <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1367034157.jpg>Demon Form<img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1367561206.jpg>

Return to: Undead Zoo!

Username (or number or email):


2013-05-04 [ancienteye]: Drake: "Sssssssahaha~ Perfect, Kitten~" ^////^

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: Hmm... Lift your shirt.

2013-05-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: I'll be right back*walks outside and sets several bombs off*

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: Leceille: *lifts arm*

Graham: ^/////^

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: *makes the knife hot and cuts across Leceille's stomach*

2013-05-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: *walks back in coughing a bit and smelling of smoke*

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: Leceille: Hehahaha

2013-05-04 [ancienteye]: Drake: *inspects bite mark* "Deep enough to scar, but not enough for me to bleed out...THAT'S PERFECT!!!!" *glomps Graham briefly, then goes about bandaging the wound and using his special salve to make sure it scars*

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: *smiles slightly as she uses her fireball to close the wound making a nice scar/burn*

2013-05-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: *accidentally drops a smoke bomb causing it to go off*sorry

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: Me: this is now the screwed up people page.=___=

Graham: Hey angel isn't messed up!

2013-05-04 [ancienteye]: Drake: "I like what I like~"

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: *coughs from the smoke*

2013-05-04 [ancienteye]: Night.

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: night

2013-05-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu:sorry

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Night ancient.

Sayomi: Leceille, can you do something about this smoke?

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: Leceille: *opens windows* sorry I'm a blood deamon not a fire or smoke

2013-05-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu*slowly starts moving over to the shadows*

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: Thank you Leceille.

2013-05-04 [Kbird]: Leceille: your welcome my master

2013-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sayomi: *goes back to looking at her fireball*

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Leila is missing!!

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Leila? That name's familiar, but which one is she, again?

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Crimson's first evil girl....she kinda frozen on the battle ground page

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Oh, yeah! The one who hates all men and is fighting people with Morgan...

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: yep!

2013-06-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: WE MUST FORM A SEARCH PARTY AND FIND LEILA!

2013-06-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: I'll help if you want me to, Crimson

2013-06-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok, one person is in the party.

2013-06-28 [Kbird]: I'LL JOIN!!!

2013-06-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: Yay I'm not the only one now

2013-06-28 [Kbird]: Dang photobucket no workie!!

2013-06-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That's not good

2013-07-23 [Kbird]: Is everyone here now?

2013-07-23 [ancienteye]: Hiya! :)

2013-07-24 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I need to get back on more again

2013-08-30 [Kbird]: how funny would it be if I made this the Zombies theme song? XD

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Here we go oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

We got problems
We don't know how to solve them
Everywhere we go, we got some skeletons to follow
We got baggage you know we're gonna drag it
Everywhere we go, for everyone to see, in the...

Broken hearts parade
And I'm putting my heart out on display
There's no... masquerade
Just a funeral march for love today
The band strikes up and they're playing a song
Dressed in black and we're singing along to the...
Broken hearts parade
I've never been better than I am today

Go oh oh
Oh oh oh

You got a question
How do we get it started?
I got an answer, let go of your heart and...
Love it, live it, leave it and get into it
If you wanna start it, this is how you do it, in the...

Broken hearts parade
And I'm putting my heart out on display
There's no... masquerade
Just a funeral march for love today
The band strikes up and they're playing a song
Dressed in black and we're singing along to the...
Broken hearts parade
And I've never been better than I am today

I used to lie awake at night and
Wonder when she's coming home
It used to be so hard to wake up every day

The broken hearts parade
And we're putting our hearts out on display
There's no... masquerade
Just a funeral march for love today
The band strikes up and they're playing a song
Dressed in black and we're singing along to the...
Broken hearts parade
And I've never been better than I am today

March on to the sound!
The beating of a broken heart!
Step with the rhythm you found!
To the beating of a broken heart!

2013-08-30 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-09-02 [Kbird]: Hehehe Grrrrrr's new look!

2013-09-02 [ancienteye]: Is the mask supposed to be a genetic trait, or did they give it to him? XP

2013-09-02 [Kbird]: The pretty much restored him to his old look the best they could.

2013-09-02 [ancienteye]: XP But the mask~ Where did it come from?

2013-09-02 [Kbird]: Just a flare of excitement they added.

2013-09-02 [ancienteye]: Ah. XD

2013-09-03 [July 47]: no he had lost part of his face you cant just glue on skin

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Oh okay.

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: Wait...Luki can't be 22. That'd mean he fathered Haniko at 11. O.O

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: I screwed up..... ^-^' I didn't change it after I decided he was a papa

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: ...17? Ok.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: yep~

I saw your face in a criminal sketch
Don't be alarmed cuz you don't know me yet
I'm on the prowl now sniffing around this town, for you

Calling all cars there's an officer down
Shot to the heart on a night on the town
And the evidence of your fingerprints was found and now

You got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high-speed chase racing down the street

I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you

Oh, no here we go once again
We both know you'll never turn yourself in
So I'm drivin' 'til it's light out
Searchin' for your hide-out
(Drivin' 'til it's light out
Searchin' for your hide-out)

Pick up the pace as I chase you around
One of these days I'll end up trackin' you down
But, yeah, I got the feeling I'll be letting you loose when I do

Because you,
You got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high-speed chase racing down the street
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you

You got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high-speed chase racing down the street

I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you

You got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high-speed chase racing down the street

I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you

I'm coming after you
I'm coming' after you
I'm coming' after you
I'm coming' after you

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: XD Cute.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: I know!!!!!

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: I didn't know Loshyas eyes where different colors until now

2013-09-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: they are cause I can't tell

2013-09-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: One is black and one is red

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: ones green the other is red

2013-09-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i'll just take ya'lls word for it

2013-09-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, so it is, it's a really dark green.

2013-09-23 [Kbird]: lol yes it is

2013-10-01 [Kbird]: REALLY CREEPY SONG!!! XO

I've got another confession to make
So complicated let me try to explain
Don't want this feeling to go away
So it stays (It stays)
(It stays) (It stays)

Is it the way that you talk
That's causing me to freak
Is it the way that you laugh
That's making my heart beat
Is it the way that you kiss
It's gotta be the way that you taste
(You taste) (You taste) (You taste)

You're such a gorgeous nightmare
Old habits never seem to go away
You make me feel brand new, Yeah
We resurrect, It's like I've come back to life

I feel so alive, I feel so alive!

First impressions are hard to erase
It's in my mind and just won't go away
Maybe I'm playing my cards way too safe
I've gotta change (Change) (Change) (Change)

Is it the way that you feel against my body
Is it the way that you act, so damn naughty
Is it the way that you shake
When your hips move to the bass
(The bass) (The bass) (The bass)

You're such a gorgeous nightmare
Old habits never seem to go away
You make me feel brand new, Yeah
We resurrect, It's like I've come back to life

I feel so alive, I feel so alive...


(I feel so alive)

You're such a gorgeous nightmare
Old habits never seem to go away
You make me feel brand new, Yeah
We resurrect, It's like I've come back to life

You're such a gorgeous nightmare
Old habits, Don't go away!
You make me feel brand new, Yeah
We resurrect, It's like I've come back to life

I feel so alive, I feel so alive,
I feel so alive, I feel so alive

2013-10-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: yeah really creapy


2013-10-01 [Kbird]: XD I know you like that song

2013-10-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: YES! :D

2013-12-12 [Kbird]: We're not gonna be just a part of their game
We're not gonna be just the victims
They're taking our dreams and they tear them apart
Til everyone's the same

I've got no place to go
I've got nowhere to run
They'd love to watch me fall
They think they know it all

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I'm gonna prove them wrong
Me against the world
It's me against the world

We won't let them change how we feel in our hearts
We're not gonna let them control us
We won't let them shove all their thoughts in our heads
And we'll never be like them

I've got no place to go
I've got nowhere to run
They'd love to watch me fall
They think they know it all

I'm a nightmare, not a heroe
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I'm gonna prove them wrong

It's me against the world
World... world... world...
Me against the world
World... world... world... 

Now I'm sick of this waiting
So come on and take your shot
You can spit all your insults
But nothing you say's gonna change us
You can sit there and judge me
Say what you want to
We'll never let you win.

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own

Me against the wooooooorld
I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own

I'm gonna prove them wrong
They'll never bring us down
We'll never fall in line
I'll make it on my own
Me against the world

2013-12-12 [ancienteye]: This looks interesting. :o What song is it?

2013-12-12 [Kbird]: Band: Simple plan
Song: Me against the world.

2013-12-12 [ancienteye]: I'll have to look for that...

2013-12-12 [ancienteye]: Thank you~ :P

2014-01-30 [Kbird]: He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He’s as damned as he seems
And more heaven than a heart could hold
And if I try to save him
My whole world could cave in
It just ain't right
It just ain't right

Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

He's magic and myth
As strong as what I believe
A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see
And do I try to change him?
So hard not to blame him
Hold on tight
Hold on tight

Oh 'cause I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he’s so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

I'm longing for love and the logical
But he's only happy hysterical
I'm waiting for some kind of miracle
Waited so long
So long

He’s soft to the touch
But frayed at the end he breaks
He’s never enough
And still he's more than I can take

Oh 'cause I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

He’s beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: I've brought him back because I love him!!

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's that supposed to be?

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Don't know! But he'll be someone soon!

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Kind of looks like a badass Graham. lol

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Kinda! Its like Graham evil dark side~

Graham: *admiring the picture* not bad~ but not as good as Angel, Todd or I~

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Or if Graham went crazy, ran away and decided to drastically change his look so no one would recognize him.

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Pffft hehaha I played with that idea~

Graham. O.O you did?!

Me: *ignoring him* but a different route was it can't be Gra-am

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw... Maybe Graham's twin?

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham: oooh I like that idea~!! =3

Hmmm but we already have Brandon running around.....maybe I should just change Brandons pic..

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: No~! Then Brandon will look too much like Rhett. :/

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Oh yeah...

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe it can be Graham's love child. XD

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham: huh?! 0.0

Desmond: tan, tsk breaking so many hearts~

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Drake: "..." :/

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham: Angel! I sware I've never-

Me: sorry to interrupt but....could that pic be a chick?

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Drake: "Hm....'She' would have a bit of a thick neck, but yes, I suppose it could be female."

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Doesn't look at all female to me.

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: its just the jaw structer that mainly made me question...

Graham: well, boy or girl, it isn't my love child!

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Drake: "Good. I wouldn't allow any child of yours to smoke, anyways." XP

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol XD

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham: ^//^ youre so loving~

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Drake: "Not as much as you, Kitten~" ^///^

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: AW! The cuteness!

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Me: sorry to pop the happiness again but...Todd join the mushy~!!

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Todd: Mushy?

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Me: yes..hug lovey ect

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Todd: *huggles Drake and Graham*

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Drake: *hesitates for a moment before hugging back*

2014-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: AW!

Todd: *smiles as his tail flicks happily*

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham: *happily snuggling both of them be realizing what this looks like..(and kinda is)

Desmond: *cough, cough* Player! *cough*

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *to Desmond* "Like you're one to talk." *rolls eyes*

Drake: *relaxes more when Graham joins in the hug* ^-^

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: Yes but I'm honest about it, plus hes kitten aka Mr. Role-model~

Graham: ^///^ *to blissful to care about Desmond*

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Now, whoever called the guy that gets everyone drunk and peeks into windows a 'role-model'?" >:P

Drake: ^///^

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: he calls himself it~ if you ask me, I still say he's skatchy~

Graham: ^\\^

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I've known him longer then I've known /you/." e_____e

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: that's true, but you've gotta admite he's weird.

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Weird is relative. We see so d*mn much of it..." e________________________________________________________________________________e

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: ..true.....*glances at the three huggers* but the are a it more unusual ..

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "They are /affectionate/. It's not a necessarily /bad/ sort of unusual."

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: it sounds like a bad joke, two cats and a masochistic human walk into a town..

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Well, they're not actually /walking/ anywhere..."

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: ......they beginning to worry me.

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Unless they're trying to drag you into it, just leave them alone."

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: .......they're going to fuse into one person...

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Then Graham will have a much more difficult time climbing into windows."

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: *snickers* you're going to give me nightmares~

Blaine: *walking by* whatever you're saying, keep it up~ ;P

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: XD

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: e.e love you two bro.

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "You two are so antagonistic...But not enough." >:P

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Desmond: we're brothers we can only do so much~

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *evil expression as she's obviously thinking up ways to make them be more "amusing"*

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Blaine: we aren't going to get in aserious fight, so just forget it.

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Aw..." *still plotting*

2014-02-20 [Kbird]: Mark: *whispers* you can get them to serious fight if you push alittle~

2014-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "And I think I know just the right buttons, too~ But you might want to come back later when the actual fighting starts up, dear." ^-^

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Mark: kay~

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "So shoo~" ^-^

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Mark: *mock pout as he goes off*

Desmond & Blaine: -______- what are you plotting?

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *to Fern* "You should shoo, too."

Fern: =___________________________________=

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Blaine: =_=

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Fern: *gives the guys a "Should I?" look*

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Desmond & Blaine: *shake head*

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Fern: *levels a glare at Aspen again*

Aspen: "..." *pokes head out the door* "Mark, dear~? Please come retrieve your sister."

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Mark: *heads in and scoops up Fern*

Blaine: hey!

Mark: *ignoring* your new gun material came in~ ^_^

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Fern: "...Fine." e___e "But let's be quick. I don't trust your 'girlfriend'."

2014-02-21 [Kbird]: Mark: *chuckles* don't worry~ *heads out*

Blaine: <:/

2014-02-21 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *evil expression as she begins her master manipulations*

2014-05-05 [Jadala*(Once upon a moment)]: hi guys

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Rhett's song! XD XD (Lilly Allen's version)

Where you from, how's it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you're doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin' more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer

You got the swagger of champions
So bad for you
Just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, who you are, that's who you are baby
Must mistake me as a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna, but no way
I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
It would be all good, and maybe I could be yaw girl
But I can't 'cause we don't
Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: So very very true. XD

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Lilly: VERY true. e.e

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "And proud of it~" *crooked smirk*

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Lilly: you shouldn't be.

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Why not? It's who I am."

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Lilly: Womanizing is not a good thing

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "But I do it so well~"

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Lilly: -_____- again, not a good thing.

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Guess that's your opinion."

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Lilly: >:/

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *crooked smirk*

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: be back.

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Ok. :3

2014-08-01 [Kbird]: I'm going to be off and on, I'm working on a report

2014-08-01 [ancienteye]: Ok, then. :P Good luck on it.

2014-08-01 [Kbird]: thanks.

2015-08-25 [Kbird]: I'm mead. Graham would love this chart

2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: Thought so~

I'm Strawberry Thrills.

2015-08-30 [Kbird]: Sounds good.

2015-08-30 [ancienteye]: Yum~ XD

2015-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm Holiday Mulled Peach Honey Wine.

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: Hmm sounds good too but might be sweet

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Does sound like it, I love sweet drinks.

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: I like sweet drinks stomach doesn't though..

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: My throat can't handle hard liquor. lol

2016-08-01 [Kbird]: understandable, its hard to drink fire

2016-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Indeed.

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: Okay, soooo I need to change Luki's name.. >////> It was supposed to be Loki when I first made him....but I obviously spelled it wrong and by the time I caught it it was to late to change any ideas?

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: You could go with Loki now, or maybe Mischief?

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: But you have Loki.. lol XD Mischief would be fun, but he wouldn't go for it.

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm... Not sure... Um... Odin?

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: Luki: Loki, Thor...I am your father! ...hmmm maybe.

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: .> I don't know...He's parents are french..Odin is Norse...

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: French eh? Landry, French name meaning Ruler, or maybe Reynard, French name meaning Mighty Brave.

It's not French, but how about Maverick it means an independent man who avoids conformity.

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: Landry Landsing...not bad I might do that

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes, I'm helping! <img:41764_1161369208.gif>

2016-08-03 [Kbird]: Always.

2016-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: What changed?

2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: It said Yuzu was removed when I looked.

2016-08-13 [Kbird]: I did that, but it said there was a change after that..

2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Weird...

2016-08-13 [Kbird]: *cue, twilight zone music*

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: I think imma going to delete Takara

2016-08-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: OK

2016-09-14 [Kbird]: "Wires"

We talked about making it.
I'm sorry that you never made it.
And it pains me just to hear you have to say it.
You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated,
I see the wires pulling while you're breathing.
You knew you had a reason,
It killed you like diseases,
I can hear it in your voice while you're speaking... you can't be treated.
Mr. Know-It-All, had his reign and his fall,
At least that is what his brain is telling all

If he said help me kill the president,
I'd say he needs medicine,
Sick of screaming let us in,
The wires got the best of him.
All that he invested in, goes
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)

He told me I should take it in,
Listen to every word he's speaking,
The wires getting older I can hear the way they're creaking,
As they're holding him,
Well, I could see it in his jaw,
That all he ever wanted was a job,
He tells me to be, raw,
Admits to every little flaw,
That never let him sit upon the top,
Won't tell me to stop,
Thinks that I should be a little cautious.
Well, I can tell the wires pulled

If he said help me kill the president,
I'd say he needs medicine,
Sick of screaming let us in,
The wires got the best of him.
All that he invested in, goes
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)

I'm having trouble in believing,
And I just started seeing,
Light at the beginning of the tunnel, but he tells me that I'm dreaming,
When he talks I hear his ghosts, every word they say to me,
I just pray the wires aren't coming.

If he said help me kill the president,
I'd say he needs medicine,
Sick of screaming let us in,
The wires got the best of him.
All that he invested in, goes
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)

Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)
Straight to hell,
Straight to hell. (oh, oh)

(Oh, oh) [2Xero]

2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: I feel like this is about Luki, but not sung by him...

2016-09-14 [Kbird]: Well congrats you have me so close to balling like a baby by making that connection...I don't know who would sing it though since the song is done by a guy...

2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: O.O No, don't cry!

...I read it as a female voice.

2016-09-14 [Kbird]: I'm trying...I hate crying. >.<

:P The neighborhood does the song so its a guy. XP not that it's stopped me before.

2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: XD Yeah, gender-neutral lyrics work regardless of voice.

2016-09-14 [Kbird]: XD I might have Elis sing it later.

2016-09-14 [ancienteye]: That works. XD

2016-09-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yuki is under evil characters. lol

2016-09-16 [Kbird]: Yeah....a lot has changed since the beginning....but I'm to lazy to make a neutral page and move the corresponding characters to it.

2016-09-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

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